UNILENE Surgical Meshes have firmness similar to steel, although much less density. They are stable and have a lot of durability’s when in contact with fabrics. It has two main functions: to reinforce the areas in which there are soft or weakened tissues and to act as a support point for organs and viscera that are leaving their anatomical structure.

Its most common application is in hernia repair; pelvic organ prolapsed, and stress urinary incontinence. In general, to reinforce tissues from different areas of the human anatomy. The placement of the UNILENE Mesh in case of hernia keeps the viscera in place until the body itself generates tissue to keep them in place.

When a UNILENE Mesh is inserted into the body, the body reacts to a foreign element, which is why acute inflammation usually occurs, which can even lead to fibrosis (pathological formation of fibrous tissue).

When implanting a UNILENE Mesh, the patient may feel discomfort when moving, due to the rigidity of the mesh and the formation of the relevant scar. For this reason, light tights with larger pores are usually used.



Characteristics of UNILENE Surgical Meshes

Surgical meshes can be made of absorbable material (polyglactin 910) or non-absorbable material (polyester or polypropylene fibers among others). The meshes are usually woven through a process that intersects each joint of each of the fibers, so that elasticity is obtained in both directions. As a result, the mesh can be cut without fraying.

Characteristics common to all surgical meshes, whatever their type:

  • Flexibility, to prevent chafing in other areas and to maintain its integrity.
  • Porous, to promote drainage and fiber growth.
  • Chemically inert, to avoid further inflammation.

Specifically, the UNILENE Meshes for hernias must also incorporate the following characteristics:

  • Tensile strength.
  • Do not deform with body fluids.
  • Do not produce allergies.
  • Resist mechanical deformation.
  • Adapt to the healing and cell interaction process.

Using UNILENE Surgical Mesh to repair hernias

Its most widespread use is in hernias. When a UNILENE Surgical mesh is implanted for the correction of a hernia, what is done is to place the viscera that were coming out and retain them there using the mesh.

Depending on the patient's pathology and many other variables related to this and his disease, it is the doctor who must decide what type of mesh will be placed, so that the ideal mesh is placed and that it remains there permanently and does not bring complications in the future.

To know more about UNILENE MESH kindly visit the Universal Sutures Website (The Trusted Brand in India for Surgical Mesh Manufacturing and Export).


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