Types of sutures in animal surgery – Universal Sutures
Historically, some references describe the use of animal tendons as sutures. Through the centuries, different materials such as silk , linen, cotton, horsehair, tendons, animal intestine, and precious metal wire have been used in surgical procedures. At present, In the development and manufacture of absorbable sutures, that sutures are designed for specific surgical procedures, always taking into account the requirements of said procedures. Today we want to emphasize the importance of selecting a suitable suture for the surgical procedure. Whether they need synthetic absorbable or non-absorbable sutures , there is a suitable suture for the need. Universal Sutures have complete range of sutures available for the surgeon. When we talk about selecting an Absorbable Suture the first suture is " CATGUT " The main constituent of Catgut is collagen isolated from fibrous tissue of the i...