Types of sutures in animal surgery – Universal Sutures

 Historically, some references describe the use of animal tendons as sutures. Through the centuries, different materials such as silk, linen, cotton, horsehair, tendons, animal intestine, and precious metal wire have been used in surgical procedures. 


At present, In the development and manufacture of absorbable sutures, that sutures are designed for specific surgical procedures, always taking into account the requirements of said procedures. 


Today we want to emphasize the importance of selecting a suitable suture for the surgical procedure. 



Whether they need synthetic absorbable or non-absorbable sutures, there is a suitable suture for the need. Universal Sutures have complete range of sutures available for the surgeon. 


When we talk about selecting an Absorbable Suture the first suture is "CATGUT"


The main constituent of Catgut is collagen isolated from fibrous tissue of the intestinal submucosa of cows and sheep. The hydrolysis of sutures of natural origin is enzymatic and they are attacked by the body's enzymes, which break them down and participate in their absorption, while synthetic sutures are hydrolyzed, that is, water penetrates their structure, dissolving them. 


The hydrolysate of synthetic sutures is less aggressive for the body than the start-up of the enzymatic system that, in addition to attacking the suture, causes a series of small lesions in the surrounding tissues. 


The only factor that could influence in favor of Catgut maybe it is cheaper price compared to other sutures, but that factor is left out when we select the right brand name called UNIGUT from our trusted manufacturer called Universal Sutures


What is Sutures Absorption?


ABSORPTION is the time it takes for the suture to hydrolyze and disappear from the body, but we must always bear in mind that the time that a suture is fulfilling its function is the time that it is supporting the sutured tissues and that is called TENSILE STRENGTH. Depending on the molecule we select, both the absorption and the tensile strength will vary:


All our sutures have ISO and ISO 13485 certifications, which provides greater security and confidence in our clients. We manufacture complete range of Human Sutures as well as absorbable and non-absorbable veterinary use. Check our catalog or contact us for more information.


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